Brilliant Blog

22. 09. 2023

Recruiting leaders of the future: a guide

Does your business have leaders of the future? Or are you a potential leader of the future? Leaders of the future are those who are equipped to guide and shape the modern workplace. They understand current technological advances, have a passion for getting to know the business and the people within it and understand the need for corporate social responsibility within their organisations; they truly care. Employers need to be adaptable and forward-thinking when it comes to recruiting the right kind of talent who can bring a new level of strategic vision and creativity into their organisations.
08. 09. 2023

Declan Rice, Harry Kane…. how does a business replace their one big star?

This summer, West Ham United replaced Declan Rice, which many considered an impossible task. He was their best and most pivotal player, leaving a hole which goes beyond playing ability. He was the team’s captain, the morale-builder, emotional core and key person within the team. He pushed his team mates to new levels when they played alongside him.